Exploring potion making at Halloween! 🎃
With Halloween just around the corner, we thought we'd give you a fun idea for enjoying it without being too scary and creepy! It doesn't have to be all about skeletons and spiders and tricks or treats!
At this time of year I especially love getting my little boy wrapped up warm and outside for a kick of some leaves and a nice autumnal walk. We often "spot" things on our walk and see what we come across...
.... but recently he's started to enjoy hunting for things on our walk to create potions and mixtures with when we get home.... think "mud kitchen" but for a budding little Wizard! Who knew that an acorn, an oak leaf, a handful of long grass and a sprinkling of puddle water makes an invisibility potion!
A list of things to look out for is below, but I'm sure there'll be lots we haven't thought of - do comment below with your exciting potion finds!
- Leaves of all shapes, sizes and colours - they'll all have their own secret powers!
- Dandelions and dandelion leaves - a potion making classic
- Dandelion clocks
- Acorns, pine cones, conkers etc.
- Feathers
- Berries
- Toadstools
- Spider Webs
- Twigs - can you find a perfect wand shaped twig!?
- Long blades of grass
- Maple seed (we call them helicopters!)
- Bark
- Wild flowers
- Moss
All of these things are likely to be found on a woodland walk, and probably lots more things besides! You could also add a few things from home; like left over pumpkin seeds if you've made a lantern.
Our book of Spells, Magic and Potions is great for kids to record their creations, with space for hundreds of concoctions - give it a fun name, list the ingredients, aim, method and results, create a label design and with hundreds of stickers included to help the idea's flow you'll have a great little potion inventor on your hands before you know it!
One of our potions is shown in the picture above: A "funny laughing potion" that will give endless laughter to whoever drinks it! BUT - make sure you stir the mixture in a clockwise direction otherwise it won't work! We'd love to see some potions and spells that our little stationery geeks come up with so please do share them to our facebook page!
As well as the Spell Book our Halloween gift set also comes with a bit of a retro treat - who remembers Fortune Teller's from their school days? Fold a piece of paper up and then flap it and follow the instructions to retrieve your fortune! Great fun for kids, and once they've got the knack of how to make them they can produce one for every occasion! For help on how to fold a fortune teller, have a look at our YouTube video here.
See the full contents of the Halloween Gift Set here - and don't forget to share your potions, tricks and spells with us! Happy Halloween!
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