5 Reasons to Keep a 5 Year Journal!
5 Reasons to Keep a 5 Year Journal!
It sounds like an almighty task doesn't it, keeping the SAME diary for 5 years! But, if you're a hardcore stationery geek or a true journal lover you'll understand! If not, here's 5 reasons why you should give a Five Year Journal a go!
1. We've made it super simple for you!
Who has time to start writing about their whole day including every tiny detail? Not us! So we've given you 6 prompts to make a quick note of the main elements of your day - who, what, when, where, weather and food! Write a word or a sentence for each and job done!
2. Five Years in one book can log A LOT of memories!
The structure of our Five Year Journal is intentionally designed to record memories of things happening on the same day, different year. So once your journal is complete, you can look at the last 5 years worth of November 23rd (for example) and note the changes, (good or bad!) the coincidences and the unusual!
3. Memories are easy to view, even in years to come!
Are you familiar with "Facebook Memories" or similar apps?
It's a super digital tool that shows you what happened "on this day" 1 year ago, 2 years ago etc, according to your Facebook posts from that day. Well our Five Year Journal is the paper version of that! Digital ways of recording things are great, but you can't beat a real life lovely big book, in your own handwriting to keep forever and flick through whenever you fancy a reminisce!
4. Weird coincidences can be easily spotted!
Ok, so the example I've found online is a little bit extreme and awfully depressing but it gives you the idea....
Hopefully your coincidences will be a little more trivial but still interesting!
5. They make a lovely keepsake for a new baby, a new home or a new adventure!
Imagine logging the first 5 years of a new baby! The date they first slept through the night, the day they took their first steps! A lot happens in 5 years and you could have it all written down in one place. Ideal as a gift for new parents perhaps?
There's nothing to say you have to journal five years in a row - log every other year, log a year and then pass it to your partner to log the following year... the possibilities are endless in YOUR journal!
So! If you're up for the challenge this is the link you need: Five Year Journal - order now!
Happy Journalling!
Lucy xxxx
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