7 geeky products to help you conquer 2020!
The new year is always an exciting opportunity for a fresh start, I don't mean new years resolutions that don't make it to the end of January, I mean facing January head on and getting organised!
If you're anything like me you might be feeling a smidgen frazzled by the end of December! I've been living day to day for the last couple of weeks, sometimes even hour by hour! There's so much going on at school, work is busy and we still have to find time to shop for gifts, visit Santa, write cards, attend the nativity..... I could go on!
So, we don't want to start the new year feeling like this do we!? Have a look at our top products to help with a stress free existence in 2020!
Straight in at the top is our 2020 Busy Family Calendar....
The tricky thing with a calendar, is that you still need to remember to write on it! But we've made it as easy as we can for you by also giving you hundreds of stickers that fit perfectly into the gaps, with (almost!) everything you may ever need! It brightens up the calendar, the kids love to help and stick them on too and it makes it super quick and easy to get organised. The stickers include everything from First Day of Term, Non Uniform Day, Parents Evening to all the grown up things like Car Tax Due, Appointments, Birthdays, Holidays and everything in between.
You can also choose to have four columns on your calendar, or six, at no extra charge! If you've a big family a 6 column calendar can be hard to come by, or maybe you want the extra columns for home / work / school / dog / children / grandparents...... use it however you like! Read more about it here.
Next up, it's our Winning at Life Planner.
One of the great things about our planner is that you can use it over any twelve month period, it doesn't have to be from January to December. We supply it with monthly stickers that you can use in any order you like. Each month has lots of space for notes, lists, plans, targets, doodles and anything else you want to fill the space with - the headers are yours to fill in however you please too! And, you have probably guessed, it comes with stickers too! Read more about it here.
Now we've got ourselves organised, our attention can turn to looking after ourselves! Perhaps you've indulged a bit too enthusiastically on Christmas Day, or you've let your exercise regime slip because there's just no time left in your manic week! Don't despair! Take a look at these....
Our Diet Diary is a great tool to help with meal planning, tracking what you've eaten each day and recording weight changes. Lots of our customers have noticed an increase in weight loss through using it, it really helps to keep you motivated and on the track! Read more about it here.
Our Fitness Diary is very similar to the Diet Diary, but has a bigger emphasis on the exercise aspect of a healthier lifestyle, rather than just food. It's great for gym goers or if you're just trying to introduce exercise to your weekly routine. Read more about that one here.
Alongside these really useful books, we also have a weekly meal planner which you can use each week and then wipe off ready to start again next week. I just stick mine to the fridge with a fridge magnet so I can always see it - planning ahead with what you'll be eating is key to a healthier regime and this is a really simple tool to use alongside that. Get yours here.
Last of the diet and fitness collection is our 12 Month Tracker - use it for any 12 months of the year, hang it up and keep a track of if you've eaten well, drank plenty of water, had some exercise and how you're feeling. And do I need to say it? It comes with hundreds of stickers! Have a look at it in more detail here.
Lastly, a new product just released this month is our Gratitude Journal....
Research shows that there are soooooooooo many benefits to thinking about your day before bed, jotting down a couple of things that were good about it (however small) and then going to sleep. It focuses your mind on to the positives of your day, it can help you sleep better, stress less and be generally happier for it! With 2020 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start the new year how we mean to go on, and that means self care, looking after ourselves and taking the time to be grateful. For more info on the benefits have a look at our website here.
So I hope this post has given you some inspiration, motivation and oooomph to tackle 2020 head on! Do comment below with any of your new years resolutions and tips for all of us to stay on top of our game next year! Lucy xx
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