Making an Isolation Scrapbook

Making an Isolation Scrapbook

If you're a stationery geek (which I guess you are, if you're reading our blog!) then you're probably looking for some way of recording your time during isolation because of the Corona Virus.... I've started an "Isolation Scrapbook" with my son so I thought I'd share with you some tips on how to make one! 

We're using the Stationery Geek "School Holiday Scrapbook" and we've just made an edit to the front cover as you can see below! Scissors and glue at the ready, let's get scrap booking!

My son is 10 and he HATES writing. Honestly, hates it. Which isn't making my life very easy at the moment while I'm trying to home school him but that's a different story! For this reason though, a scrapbook is perfect for him; we can still record our days but it doesn't involve pages and pages of writing. Here's how we do it...

  • Lots of photos! A picture speaks a thousand words doesn't it? You don't need a lengthy explanation of the photo if you make it obvious what's happening in it. In years to come the photo's will bring your memories flooding back and not a word has to be written! 


  • Make use of leaflets and newspapers! We've had a few things from our local council through the door with Coronavirus information in, you can stick in the whole leaflet or, if you prefer, cut out relevant bits and stick them in your book. This is another great way to fill the book with information without having to do lots of writing. Also keep an eye out for interesting newspaper articles, emails from work or school, anything that comes through your letterbox or even information that you can find online that you could print out. We've stuck the letter from Boris Johnson in ours!

  • Use stickers to add colour and fun to your pages. Our School Holiday Scrapbook comes with lots of stickers, and actually we have managed to use some in our isolation scrapbook even though they are intended to be used for holidays! We also have a bit of a "sticker stash" in our craft drawer so we've used some of those too.

  • Use online printables. There's some really great resources you can find online that you can print off and use in your scrapbook, a quick look on google will bring up lots of options. We found a great poster to colour in to thank the NHS, it's stuck in our window at the moment but we'll move it to the scrapbook once this is all over.
  • Create a timeline of events.  I've seen a few of these going round on Facebook and have linked one below for you to use, again, to save us having to write it all out! Allocate a page in your scrapbook to the timeline and you can keep going back to it to add things on as they happen. Click this link to see a Corona/Lockdown timeline from our Facebook page, upto date as of April 28th 2020.


So there's our top tips for creating a scrapbook while we're in isolation - we are living through unprecedented times at the moment that will go down in history, keeping a record of what happens and how we are coping with it will be wonderful to look back on in a few years time. If you're keeping a scrapbook yourself, or encouraging the kids to make one we'd love to see some pictures and hear your tips to add to our list! Stay safe everyone, and happy scrap booking!


Note: During the Coronavirus lockdown we are unable to process any orders, our website is still open for business but we can't send out orders until the restrictions are lifted. Thank you for your patience at this time, and we'll let you know as soon as we are back to work as normal! Stay safe everyone, lots of love. xxxx





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